Sunday, March 23, 2008


I was watching CBS News This Morning, and they had this fascinating story on.
It was about tissue and cell regeneration.

Here's the link, if you'd like to check it out. Fascinating stuff. Some would even say miraculous. Some would say it's playing God, too, probably. Definitely by any account cutting edge medical science.

What I found most interesting about it is not that cells - new cells, regenerative cells, not 'scar tissue' cells - are recognized by science to even be a viable solution.
I'm not anti-science of course, but I am a bit Anti The System, and believe greatly in the powers of one's own mind and body.
But that it reinforced what I believe the human body capable of - one can grow another artery in the heart (a current project mentioned in the news piece) to replace one that is clogged. One can grow a new section of esophagus to replace the one that currently is housing cancer growth. One can grow a new bladder.

Sure science says you need this spray-on stuff :) (extra cellular matrix), but to me it just reminds us what, exactly, the human body is capable of.

Pretty cool.

(A sidenote: Evidently the US Military has given tens of millions of dollars to this project. I applaud them for that.)

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