Monday, March 10, 2008

sacred life sunday: happiness

(Due to a misplaced camera cord, this post is a bit late.)

yesterday i had another one of those delicious and decadent days.
the ones that include thich nhat hanh on my ipod, laptop under my arm, a trip to my neighborhood coffee shop, then a couple of hours meandering through my favorite soul-fest bookstore.

soooo delicious.

those few hours go a long way toward rejuvenation, let me tell you.

all that basking and soaking is definitely nourishment for the spirit.

after i picked out several books (including the gift - thanks carla and ladybugzen) i wandered over to the table that had an gorgeous array of glass lotus tealight holders. i've been wanting one for a couple of weeks, only before i couldn't decide which one i wanted. yesterday i saw this one, and knew it was the one for me. as an afterthought, i looked on the chart to see what it represented, and read "happiness".

of course. it could only be that.

joy, fun, family, peace, rejuvenation, celebration, exploration - all these things were my day.
happiness and happiness.

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