Friday, July 31, 2009

lammas weekend: mellow yellow

in the ways of the Old Country,
it's a holiday.

the first of the harvest holidays

-the summer yellow harvest, i think of it as-

time for jams

and collecting leaves for winter potions

and reaping the wheat.

I have a lovely weekend planned for myself -

gathering calendula petals

a trip to the farmer's market

and i've got my eye on a powerful potion...
Mirabelle Brandy.

aaah, bliss.

a lovely weekend to you, everyone.


Jumbleberry Jam said...

Blessed Lammas to you! We'll be baking bread and berry muffins. In the past I've had a hard time connecting with the harvest aspect of this day. But not this year - the forests are ripe for the picking! :-)

-JumbleberryJam (for some reason I can't post a blog link) :-)

Patricia said...

I wish you also a lovely weekend!
I treat myself on Licor 43 :)