Monday, March 29, 2010

This! Just this.

Someone Who Can Kiss God

Come to my house late at night--
Do not be shy

Hafiz will be barefoot and dancing.

I will be
In such a grand and generous mood!

Come to my door at any hour,
Even if your eyes

Are frightened by my light.

My heart and arms are open

And need no rest--

They will always welcome you.

Come in, my dear,
From that harsh world

That has rained elements of stone

Upon your tender face.

Every soul
Should receive a toast from us

For bravery!

Bring all the bottles of wine you own

To this divine table--the earth

We share.

If your cellar is empty,
This whole Universe

Could drink forever

From mine!

Let's dine tonight with exquisite music.
I might even hire angels

To play--just for you.


Hidden beneath your feet

Is a Luminous Stage

Where we are meant to rehearse

Our Eternal Dance!

And what is the price of my Divine Instructions?

What could I ask of you?

All I could ever want

Is that

You have the priceless company

Of Someone

Who can Kiss God,

That you have the priceless gift
Of becoming a servant to the Friend!

Come to my window, dear world--
Why ever be shy?

Look inside my playful Verse,
For Hafiz is Barefoot and Dancing

And in such a Grand and Generous--

In such a Fantastic Mood.

Hafiz (1320-1389 Beloved Persian Poet),
from I Heard God Laughing


Meredith said...

I love this Stephanie!!! Beautiful!

Andrea said...

Love Hafiz.