Friday, January 11, 2008



EC said...

First of all, this is such a great choice for the "warmth" theme. A wonderful interpretation!

Second, one thought that hit me while looking at it was, "It's a major award!" Know what I'm talking about? :)

I've been anxiously awaiting your photo and am so glad to finally see it!


Stephanie said...

I'm not terribly excited about it - but my time is running out!! :)
I like the concept, but I was hoping for less graininess, and more contrast - such as snow! falling outside and on the window sill.
But, while it has snowed, it's been only during the day. :/ (cant see in the house when it's light outside.
Tomorrow is Saturday, and I work, so my chances are dim of coming up with something then. SUnday is a new day, so...
Here it is.
Does it look like a skirt? I've never even considered it.... lol

Sarah said...

I really like it, Stephanie. Before I even saw the title I felt warm inside looking at it.


Stephanie said...

Aw, thanks, Sarah!
Er - and [blush] thanks to you, too, Evie - I was so busy complaining about it I forgot to say thanks. xxoo