Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Wanted to give a little toot that I've decided to reformat Growing Naturally a bit.

I've been thinking it over for a few weeks, and I've decided now is a good time to pronounce connection with others.

Scoot on over to see what I'm talking about, if you're a member or interested.


Pam said...

That is nothing short of sheer brilliance. Capital. You are a kindred spirit.

So much for me to see and learn. Because I am widgit challenged...html challenged...blogging challenged, and I've run out of computer time, I must return later to figure things out!

Thank you (unmet) friend for bringing this to my life.

Stephanie said...

Pam! What a sweet note!
We do have lots of things in common! :)
It's easy to put the link in. :) again

denise said...

awesome! we have so many things in common, and much of what you had on that blog is close to my heart. looking forward to it! :)